PRP Therapy in Dubai (Platelet Rich Plasma)

PRP – Platelet Rich Plasma

Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) therapy, also known as the ‘Vampire Facelift’ or ‘Dracula Therapy’, works on the basis that the body’s own natural healing powers may slow and even reverse the ageing process – it’s a revolutionary repair system that places growth factors in the exact location where we want the skin to repair and rejuvenate itself.
The platelets in our blood are the little soldiers responsible for healing any damage to our skin. They have an ability to stimulate cell growth and regenerate tissue which, when used in PRP, can also help to promote the collagen in your skin to grow.Platelets contain a high content of “growth factors” – proteins that help to heal injured tissue or damaged skin. Upon re-injection the platelets release their growth factors which trigger surrounding cells to proliferate, in turn stimulating repair, increasing volume and rejuvenating the skin.
First, a small amount of blood is drawn from your arm and spun in a centrifuge until the red blood cells separate from the platelets and plasma. The platelet-rich plasma is then injected back into your troublesome areas to help soften, smooth and tighten your skin.
Your procedure should take no longer than 30 minutes, and will be performed by one of our experienced Aesthetic Doctors. You may start to notice a significant difference in the texture and tone of your skin in just a few weeks, as your skin begins to start producing more collagen.

PRP therapy can be used on the face, particularly around the eyes, mouth and nose, the backs of the hands, scars and all over the body, more commonly the décolletage and even the knees to give skin a more youthful and radiant appearance.


Aqualysis Fat Reduction

Aqualysis Fat Reduction

Aqualyx® is a compound solution from the deoxycholate family that has been physically modified and, by creating a slow release sugar-based system, the biological half-life is reduced which results in minimal side effects.

An injection technique has been developed for the treatment known as ‘Aqualysis ™’ or ‘Aquaplasty™’ and a precise protocol is followed. Aqualysis™ or Aquaplasty™ consists of injecting the solution into localised fat deposits in areas such as saddlebags, thighs, stomachs, chins and knees. It can also be used to treat pseudo-gynocomastia in men. Aqualyx® liquefies the fat cell, destroying it permanently, releasing the lipids that are then eliminated naturally through the lymphatic system.
Aqualysis™ can be used in conjunction with an ultrasound device to assist in the dissipation of Aqualyx® throughout the localised fat cells.

A doctor or surgeon should only perform the treatment. Specially designed long flexible cannulas are used, and specialist training is given to every doctor before they offeraqualysis

Typically, two injection spots are required for each area being treated; patients report good tolerance of the treatment and an anaesthetic solution is normally added prior to injection for greater comfort.

The treatment will be repeated between two and eight times depending on the number of small pockets of fat tissue to be reduced. The injections are repeated every three to four weeks.

After each treatment patients can expect some swelling, redness and skin irritation and tenderness in the area treated, which will subside after four to six days.
Contraindications: pregnancy and lactation, liposdystrophy, pathological conditions and for those under 18 years or over 60 years.





Mesotherapy treatment is a non surgical cosmetic solution aimed at diminishing problem areas in your body such as cellulite excess weight, body contouring, and face/neck rejuvenation, just to name a few. It is administered via numerous injections containing various types of FDA approved medicines vitamins and minerals.

  • It is introduced into the mesoderm, the layer of fat and tissue underneath the skin.
  • The content mixture of the injection varies in accordance with each unique case and specific area to be treated.
  • Mesotherapy can also assist in reducing pain, and in replenishing hair loss in both men and women.


As the needle is moving in and out of your skin, it pushes your bespoke nutrients directly into your skin. The speed and accuracy of delivery is such that the treatment is virtually pain free, gentle and with very little chance of bruising. The localized micro action of the needle also stimulates collagen and elastin production, so helping to strengthen and restore your skin with the added benefit of reducing scars and lines and wrinkles. It also helps stimulate micro circulation which aids in hair restoration, rejuvenation, elimination of waste, and lymphatic drainage.


Dermal Fillers


Dermal Fillers

Dermal fillers such as Juvederm®, Restylane® and Sculptra® Elanse® are used as an effective treatment for deep lines and wrinkles. They can help reduce deep lines and wrinkles, fill hollows, enhance sunken cheeks and smooth the contours of your face. Anti-ageing facial fillers are the non-surgical way to achieve younger looking skin and provide volume for tired lines and wrinkles.
As your skin ages, it loses the collagen that helps shape and support it. Natural lines and wrinkles deepen. Sun exposure, smoking, air pollution and even stress can all age your appearance. The face can also begin to lose volume giving sunken cheeks and a ‘dragged down’ appearance.
How dermal fillers work

We use a range of premium dermal fillers products that can help you achieve the desired result. It will depend on the area being treated as to which product our qualified practitioners would recommend as the most suitable.
Facial fillers can plump up your skin, smooth wrinkles and fill out deep lines by replacing the collagen lost due to natural ageing or skin damage.
Premium dermal fillers Juvederm® and Restylane® are injected in small controlled doses just under the surface of skin of the area to be treated. This fills out the sunken areas and lines to give a smoother, firmer and more refreshed appearance. Depending on the type of dermal filler used, results can last from 6 to 24 months.
Sculptra is injected into the deep dermis and helps to replace lost collagen. It is a one time treatment of up to 4 injection sessions. These are usually scheduled about 3 weeks apart. The results can last for more than two years.

What does dermal filler treatment involve?

Small amounts of dermal filler are injected directly into the skin using an ultrafine needle. After cleansing the area to be treated, a numbing cream will be applied. This ensures the injections administered by the qualified doctor will only cause minor discomfort.
The gel administered helps to plump up the skin to smooth out lines and wrinkles. If the lips or facial contours are being treated, the filler adds volume, restores shape and gives a fuller, fresher appearance.
Dermal filler treatments are only carried out by fully qualified and Licensed doctors in our modern, regulated and well-equipped clinics.

Duration and recovery
Afterwards, there might be a small amount of swelling which will quickly subside. Depending on the area treated, it usually takes no longer than 30 minutes and you can leave the clinic as soon as you are ready to do so.
No recovery time is required after dermal filler treatment and you can return to day to day activities straight away. You may experience some slight swelling or bruising to the area being injected and typically doesn’t last longer than 48 hours. Your Doctor will discuss your recovery and what to expect when you attend you appointment.

Dermal filler results 
Take a look at how dermal filler treatment has reduced the deep nose to mouth lines for one of our patients with our before and after slider.





Botox is a drug made from a neurotoxin produced by the bacterium Clostridium botulinum called botulinum toxin. It is used medically to treat certain muscular conditions and cosmetically remove wrinkles by temporarily paralyzing muscles.



Anti-wrinkle injectables are made from a drug made called read Botulinum toxin, which has been FDA approved and used for both medical and cosmetic purposes for over 20 years with no known adverse effects. Like most cosmetic treatments, side effects can occur, some clients report mild bruising whilst very occasionally- approximately 1-3% – experience a ‘droopy eyelid’ both however can be corrected or will fade in time. To reduce the risk of complications it is important that anti-wrinkle injectables are administered by highly qualified practitioners in a safe and medical environment.


Of course! The ‘frozen’ look many of us associate with anti-wrinkle injectables is only caused when too much toxin is administered into one area. skin practitioners target small specific muscles that are responsible for unwanted lines and wrinkles only. This means normal facial expressions such as smiling, frowning or looking surprised will be unaffected. During your consultation your practitioner will talk you through how the treatment can be used for subtle effects so no one need know your secret.


When you concentrate, squint or frown, the muscles in your face contract. After years of frequent contraction combined with other environmental and lifestyle factors, lines and wrinkles will form and eventually become permanent. When the muscles in our face move, a message is sent from the brain via nerves to the muscles, instructing them to contract. Anti-wrinkle injectables are a natural protein that works by interrupting this process, leaving those muscles unable to crease the skin.


It has been reported that, if used regularly, anti-wrinkle injectables can delay and prevent the signs of ageing. As we know facial movement such as squinting and frowning can cause lines and wrinkles. Botulinum toxin restricts facial muscle movement which means signs of ageing can be prevented.


Anti-wrinkles injectables are mainly used for the face. Forehead wrinkles, crow’s feet lines around the eyes, and the “11 lines” between the eyebrows are the most popular areas however other uses include lifting eyebrows, decreasing the “orange peel” appearance of the chin and lifting the corners of the mouth.


You can carry on with your day as normal immediately after leaving the clinic, although it’s important to avoid anything strenuous for 24 hours such as going to the gym. Side effects are rare, but occasionally some clients experience bruising, but this usually fades quickly.

Before you leave the clinic at the end of your treatment, we will book you in for a free check-up 2 weeks later, so that we can review the results of your treatment once it has taken full effect. We can also book your next appointment in 3-4 months times to ensure you maintain your new look! Using high SPF sun screen to protect your skin from sun damage can keep your skin looking younger for longer.